Thursday, April 19, 2012

the silent cry of a thing
that dies even before it comes to life.

the deepest loss of losing something
that could have been,
but never was.



the canvas

lives on the wall
of an abandoned home

dripping paint
in lieu of tears

for once
a long time ago
it used to be a happy painting

a long time ago
not anymore


i sit facing the sea
endless times
hoping at least once
it would open it doors
and take me in

i sit facing the sea
hoping it would show me
like a crystal ball
what is meant to be

i sit facing the sea
trying to see my reflection
trying to find out
anger chaos calm silence
what lies within me

i sit facing the sea
endless times
and when it's time to leave
i believe whatever is meant to be will be
i am at peace with whatever i am
i know i am the sea and the sea is me

i leave
only to return
and sit facing the sea
endless times

each time
made of endless suspended moments