Tuesday, July 27, 2010

'All Men Are Dogs'... If Only That Was True.

Call me a dog and I will roll over with joy...maybe even fetch your newspaper...but put that word along with the dog's two-legged not so friendly friend and I have major major issues with it (not that anyone gives two hoots about what I have issues with :))

I stand up today, in defense of the dogs that have been, for centuries, subjected to this totally uncalled for and baseless accusation...of being compared to 'Men'. Now, maybe, it is my limited understanding but I would hazard an assumption, that most feminists or rather liberals, in this regard are quite clear that 'men' and 'women' are two separate terms...now don't draw out your clubs as yet...I mean terms...as just that and not competency... We all know women are way superior to men... let me simplify...when someone says "all men are dogs"..it is understood that they mean ...men*...not people...not persons...but just men.... (I'm sure most of you are thinking...ofcourse it just means men! since when did men become competent enough to represent the entire race 'people'...like the term 'actors' stands for 'actors' of all sexes...the word 'men' does not have any such luck...and rightly so..

(* definition: those creatures with apparently two set of brains...out of which the first and primary set is automatically overridden by the secondary, but, more powerful one.)...

Coming back to the topic, once again, I am sorry I have a habit of wandering off mid sentences...yeah so where were we...yes!!! "All men are dogs".

I begin with saying..it is totally unfair... to the dogs...ofcourse... Men aren't half as capable and have done absolutely nothing to deserve any sort of reference along side such noble beasts of impeccable character.

I mean...come to think of dogs...what is the first thing that comes to one's mind when we say 'dogs'???...faithful, companion, cute, honest, obedient...??? I am guessing, once again, that most of the adjectives that I have mentioned...most of you would agree with...why then place such noble beings with someone as repulsive as 'men'!!!

Hmmm...does that habit of 'men' chasing 'skirts' have anything to do with this rather harsh (on the dogs ofcourse) and forced metaphor? maybe... I can't be sure..because I don't see much logic backing that one up as well...dogs chase anything!!!

Aah!!! now it dawns upon me...it is the 'men specific' habit to go after anything and everything!!! This could be the reason...yes...! But then, if that is the reason...what are we...and here...'we', I believe would consist of women, because logic would suggest 'All men are dogs' is a statement that most women would make, as compared to men... (again an assumption) forgive me if I am wrong...so back to the point...If considering most women use this statement, then what are they in effect trying to say? The 'anything' that they chase, what is it in reality...isn't that 'anything' a human being that is being referred to? So when we dismiss a human being as 'anything'...what does it really say about the ones who say it...?

These issues are way beyond me...I am thinking out aloud...most of it doesn't make sense...even to me...

So...till the time I try and figure this one out...

To all the men out there :Be good...be obedient...fetch the newspaper...be good on your evening walks...know that the leash is always there...if you misbehave.... Earn the right of being compared to a dog!!!

To all the women out there: Please don't insult the dogs...men haven't earned it yet..they need to be further tamed...and disciplined.

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