Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I've Always Been Here

I've been your window pane.
I've been the lamp-post by the corner of the street where your home is.
I've been the road on which you walk, jog and drive.

I've been the old metal mail-box.
I've been the reflection when you stand by your window at night, lost in thought, staring down at the streets.
I've been the pillow you press against your face when you cry.
I've been the bed-sheet you want to rip apart when in despair.
I've been the cell phone you threw away in anger.
I've been the mirror you kept staring endlessly at when you felt numb.
I've been the shower under which you sat for hours, trying to wash away all those years.
I've been the paper napkin with your initials and sweet nothings.
I've been the first movie ticket you've still kept.
I've been the first message on your cell phone, the first of the day and the last one at night.
I've been the lipstick which you've stopped using, the one you really liked.
I've been the mannequin when you tried a thousand dresses.
I've been the stubbed cigarette.
I've been the empty bottle rolling on the floor, now gathering dust in a corner.
I've been the song that made you reminisce.
I've been the picture you took for 'old time's sake'.
I've been your secret you were too embarrassed to tell.
I've been the mistake you made.
I've been the right you did.
I've been the paper you doodled upon.
I've been the thought in your mind when you weren't thinking anything at all.
I've been the bag you ignored when you got a new one.
I've been the joy that you felt when you got the purple clutch.
I've been the cuss-word you used when the shoes you had your eyes on when out of stock.
I've been the day you wanted to forget.
I've been the evening you looked forward to.
I've been the promise you never meant to keep.
I've been the truth you never told.
I've been the perfume you searched a thousand places for.
I've been the assignment that worked you up for a week.
I've been the useful article you found on the net which made you breathe a sigh of relief.
I've been the tasks you procrastinated.
I've been the new year resolutions that got you motivated.
I've been the 76 miscalls on your cell and the SOS smses you left.
I've been the embrace you wished would never end.
I've been the joke you never got.
I've been the best friend you always fought.
I've been the midnight cup of Earl Gray Dip Tea that kept you awake.
I've been the excuses you made.
I've been the split ends you wished away.
I've been the moisturizer with fragrance you wished would stay.
I've been your greatest regret.
I've been your wailing wall.
I've been your punching bag.
I've been the channel you flipped.
I've been the episode you dig.
I've been the movie you loved.
I've been the pain in your ass.
I've been the touch that made you feel beautiful.
I've been your loudest yell.
I've been the room you miss only after a day or two.
I've been the caress.
I've been the stress that wouldn't go away.
I've been the hand you held.
I've been the feeling you could never express.
I've been the feeling you wish never existed.
I've been the next day on your calendar.
I've been the reason you fear
I've been the smile that turned into a tear.
I've been the shadow that comforted you and the one you hoped would disappear.
I've been you when you wouldn't look.
I've been the past so many years.

I've always been here.

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